I tried to read all of the posts so far so I hope I didn't miss any.

The diarrhea that I was referring to was not a chronic one, just periodic. For 
instance when you use MMS as directed, sometimes after a few days you will get 
a small bit of diarrhea which is just your body dumping off stuff to quickly 
get it out of the system.

Diarrhea is a big topic that is not as simple as a brief explanation that I 
gave for a brief bout of it..

Silver according to Ayurveda is a cooling metal, so therefore it has a cooling 
action on the body. I could not explain all the details of exactly what 
happened because each person will react to things differently, i.e. if someone 
is negatively impacting with cooling it might cause difficulties to the person 
ie constipation. 

This is not any different than any food, medicine, drink, weather, environment. 
It's the old one man's meat is another's poison.

However I do believe the question has been answered by PT in that in can cause 

However, the explanation that another person (sorry I deleted the email) gave 
about killing off some bad guys sounds very plausible also.

My quick thought is that if some substance/food etc gives you problems that 
cannot be sidestepped it might be best to avoid it. In Ayurveda there is many 
books that are good books, but the best book "Caraka Samhita" has a whole 
chapter devoted to using various and sundry things to regularly keep you 
regular.. to keep you healthy. Castor oil is one Triphala is another of the 
well known ones but there are many. The differences boil down to what is 
apropos for your body type.

In reference to the Person who spoke of their loved having cancer, I highly 
recommend watching the links below. Unfortunately you have missed a lot of 
really good info but the last few episodes of the documentary are still 
available. They are posted for free for 24 hours and then they are available at 
a cost. So hurry! My wife and I decided to get the whole series which will jump 
up in price after the 25th. No I do not have anything to do with the production 
and I do not make money off of it. It is chock a block with fantastic info as 
well as the pathetic history of the cancer industry.

This link is for 7 of 11episodes. You can sign up for the other vids.


"Episode 7: “Do’s and Don’ts” - Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1
starts tonight at 9PM:


This is one of those episodes that you’ll want to have a pen and
paper handy for taking notes.

In fact, the next 3 episodes are all about specific cancer treatments
and protocols shared by the doctors that created/use them everyday
to save thousands of lives.

So, be sure to set some time aside these next three days and tune
in to these amazing shows.

Watch tonight's show here:

Episode 7: “Do’s and Don’ts” - Proven Treatment Protocols Part 1:

Go ahead and go to the page now so that you have it open, and then
just refresh when the countdown timer reaches all zero’s :-)

I’ll see you there :-)

Ty Bollinger

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the entire docu-series with transcripts and audio MP3's as well
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Thanks for your consideration and support and I’ll see you tonight :-)  "