I believe we also need to be careful as there seems to be some thought
that CS over an extended period of time may damage the intestines,
specifically the flora and flora related to our immune system. Jim
Meissner passed away and was a well known Rife and CS expert, his
intestines were riddled with cancer and he was known to take CS every
morning. http://www.meissnerresearch.com/
That's not to say I want to be implicated in spreading any type of FUD
or discouraging CS. I'm saying when dealing with something that can
impact the bacterial count in the body we should probably exercise some
caution or at least approach it carefully.

On Wed, May 17, 2017, at 05:55 AM, Neville wrote:
> Those who don't know, or refuse to believe it, or who don't have an
> understanding of this stuff simply don't have a clue.  Nothing else
> can beat it.> 

> And who those who partake in a small measured amount every morning, as
> I do, should be taken before breakfast.  The stomach is empty and the
> mouth is at its driest first thing in the morning, fast absorption
> into the system.> 

> N.

> *From:* Nenah Sylver <nenah12egro...@cox.net> *Sent:* Wednesday, 17
> May 2017 4:34 PM *To:* silver-list@eskimo.com *Subject:* CS>CS
> eliminates gastrointestinal "bug">  
> This morning I was feeling great—until I experienced severe abdominal
> cramping and watery diarrhea. I was doubled over with pain and could
> not hold down my breakfast. I was shaky and alternately shivering and
> sweating.>  

> After feeling like this for about 45 minutes, I drank about 5 ounces
> of homemade CS, which was all I could get down. After about an hour or
> so, I drank another 7 or 8 ounces. The intense pain quickly subsided.>  

> The fact that my intestinal tract was relatively empty, helped. The CS
> got into my entire gut. In fewer than four hours I felt fine.>  

> This stuff WORKS!


> Nenah


> Nenah Sylver, PhD

> author, ****The Rife Handbook************

> ****of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health************

> now in all formats: hardcover, ebook for Mac, Kindle, iPad, Android> **DVDs 
> of 2016 Rife and Electromedicine Conference Available NOW******> 
> **w**ww.nenahsylver.com**[1]**** **






  1. http://www.nenahsylver.com/