
I have no idea why this would occur. There is nothing in Alkalife
other than potassium and sodium, both essential minerals, and a
surplus of hydroxyl ions.

Two drops of the alkaline booster furnish about 50 mg of potassium
(daily requirement 1000 mg) and 98 mg of sodium (3000 mg).

The hydroxyl ions add to the over-all body alkalinity.

Were you or are you on a strict no salt diet?

I certainly have no reaction at all on taking these drops, nor have I
heard of one.


----- Original Message -----
From: Debbie McDonald <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, 27 December 1999 06:26
Subject: CS>*** CS>Gout/alkalife?

> Ivan Anderson wrote:
> > Eating fruit, as Robert said, will help because of the potassium
> > contains, but probably the best way to alleviate gout is to drink
> > alkaline water. That is, water supplemented with alkaline drops,
> > as Alkalife . These drops contain a diluted
> > potassium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide in the appropriate ratio,
> > extra water will also help.
> When I tried these drops they made my heart RACE. It was scarey,
> I am deficient in minerals and especially mag/pot, what do you think
> is going on??  Deb

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