----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Ratliff <bobratl...@iname.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, 27 December 1999 14:01
Subject: RE: CS>Gout

> I am continually amazed at this list. Every cure must be purchased.
> nutrition cures nothing, but a supplement can and will cure
> It's a wonder we lived long enough to populate the earth without
> supplements.
> Robert

Easy now, Robert,

If people ate and lived properly in the first place most ailments
would not occur, and if one can change a persons diet, life-style and
habits, that's great...but unusual.

There is a place for supplements, if only to counteract the
unavoidable stresses of modern life and to replace the nutrients etc.
no longer present in modern and processed foods.
Other supplements can be used to quickly right imbalances that would
take whole nutrition some time to achieve, and still others can have
benefits over and above that which can be supplied through nutrition.

Herbs and minerals have been used by man and animals as medicines
since the dawn of time.

And, after all, proper nutrition also costs money these days.


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