Hi, Silverlist!
I`m now in Utah after a great move. No problems at all! Just long, and
There really are miles and miles of miles and miles in the West!!
  Wouldn`t you know the earthquake would hit just after I left though??
Missed the whole thing...
My mom`s home in Napa was trashed, but she and my sister weren`t hurt,
beyond the bruises my sis got from her (thankfully) small TV falling on her
after the first jolt threw her out of her bed!
Also fortunately, the cup they have which had survived the Great Quake of
1906 also survived the bitty quake of 2000...
Everything else ended up on the floor, even the stuff in the fridge!
 It`s good to be back on the list, and I hope to be able to help someone
else with CS again!
Love to you all,
Marsha, in Midvale

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