I tried this today: Three 9v batteries connected to 14g  siver wire 6"long
with three inches immersed in  water. 18oz water (culligan brand - filtered
not distilled) in a pyrex measuring cup. after 15 min there were gas bubbles
coming off the -ve electrode. Cooked for 20 min (forgot your timing :-)
)Positive electrode turned black (electrode wipes clean with cloth). Used a
lasr pointer and could see the beam. The water looks clear though.

Any comments, suggestions? any other tests?

Harsha Godavari

Jolly Garland wrote:
> Snap three 9 volt batteries together plus, minus,plus minus etc. Buy two
> 3 ft. wires with alligator clips at each end at Radio Shack and attach
> to two PURE  silver wires or coins and to the end contacts of the
> battery array.  Let the silver ONLY be immersed in pure distilled
> waterabout one half inch apart. Add 20 grains salt to 16 ounces of
> water. In 10 minutes you should have good CS. Use a laser pointer to
> check for colloids.

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