Hi Del:
        Our water here in Winnipeg Manitoba is really quite clean. But the
boss decided to get Culligan water for consumption and use the tap water
strictly for washig/bathing. So I used Culligan I did have a hard time finding
Dist.water. There is all sorts of "mineral water" but not much of distilled.

Anyway I made some with distilled water. I have to figure out a way to
determine the PPM and the current during the CS make.

Harsha Godavari

Del Crow wrote:
> Bob is right, Harsha...but 'distilled' may not be too conveniently
> obtained. Reverse Osmosis water is more available in some places,and the
> "filter" is usually down to .0006 microns. If your local water does not
> contain poisonous elements and runs 'clean' it is worthwhile to consider
> using it in a temporary or "emergency" basis anyway;  I do, and am
> considering making it a permanent practice, after the mineral content has
> been properly tested, that is...in the meantime, 'down the hatch' with for
> or five gallons, since I am fighting off a recurrence of a hospital
> infection.   Incidentally, anyone interested, I do have a Beck's pulser
> now, and do not use the 60 cycle 'two spoons and a 6volt AC
> games-transformer' any more.  Incidentally, even though that gizmo does
> work OK it has to be mentioned that 60 cycle pulsing is in the
> 'cancer-causing' range.  Again...emergency measures!!   90% of the people
> visiting these pages are at the 'Emergency' level...true or not?   Mike???
> At 05:12 PM 18/09/00 -0500, >Hi Bob :
> >         You are right. In my hurry, I forgot that this culligan water was
> >only filtered. I realised that after I saw the black coating. I do have a
> >bottle of dist water I purchased awhile back for this reason!!  Thanks for
> >reminding me.
> >
> >Regards
> >Harsha Godavari
> >
> >"Robert L. Berger" wrote:
> >>
> >> Harsha;
> >>
> >> You have no idea what is in the water. It might be good for external use
> but for
> >> internal. Get yourself distilled water.
> >>
> >> You can use tap water if you want the "junk" in it inside of you. I don't.
> >>
> >> "Ole Bob"
> >>
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