
Thaks for posting this generous offor of a free copy of Prof. Gibbs'
booklet.  I printed it and found it valuable.  Is his staff continuing with
the colloid research?

I noted in his evaluation of CS products that he eliminated some samples
because of paper filter fiber contamination.  I wonder if that is a
legitimate reason for classifying a CS product as less than 5 or 4-star
effectiveness quality.  I think a lot of us use coffee filters or other
paper filters to filter out the sludge which sluffs off our electrodes.  I
run some water through my filter for a minute or two before filtering the
CS, but even so, no doubt my filtered product has some paper fiber in it.
But so what?  I don't see the harm of digesting a pit of paper while the CS
is doing its duty.  Am I missing something?

----- Original Message -----
From: Frank Key <>
To: Silver List <>
Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 10:35 PM
Subject: CS>Free Book Available

> Silver Colloids, Do They Work? by Professor Ronald Gibbs is available
> free in printed form and now in Adobe pdf format. As a friend and
> colleague of Ron Gibbs, I obtained a copyright license from the estate
> of Ron Gibbs so that we could provide this book at no cost to all
> interested parties as an educational tool.
> This book is currently sold by Amazon for $8.95, so get your free copy,
> save money, and learn about colloidal silver from a world class
> scientist and expert in the field of colloidal science.
> Information on obtaining the free printed copy as well as the version in
> Adobe pdf format is at:
> --
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