Hi Ivan,

I don't have any reference point because we never did run the units un-switched. The electrodes are only 3/8" or so apart and are corrugated for rigidity. I needed a way to either clean them manually or have them be self cleaning. I didn't think users would be very handy at cleaning them without damaging them, so, reversing current was my only option. I used close spacing to have a high gradient in the water which would force the process to start quickly using startup voltages around 70 volts. Everything was a tradeoff.

We are running about twice the current density on the switching unit as compared to the un-switched one but they both seem to make the same ratio of ionic to particulate silver. Am using about 15 times the surface area of silver on the switched unit compared to the un-switched one. Beats me why they have the same ratio......maybe when one is using very low current density it just works out that way. With 4 electrodes 1.5" X 5" wetted depth connected in parallel sets so that cathodes and anodes are always sandwiched between 2 electrodes (except for 1 end electrode) we run 30 ma. I'm having a tough time explaining electrode configuration here...hope you understand my meaning.

Your explanation of the sag we experience after each reversal sounds good to me. With good water flow between electrodes it is minimized however. We use a submergible pump to keep it all in motion so there isn't an area of stagnant ions between electrodes that has to be turned around. They are all in continuous motion.


At 07:35 PM 1/20/2002 +1300, you wrote:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trem [mailto:t...@silvergen.com]
> Hi Ivan,
> We had AA testing done on samples from our SG6 which does not
> have polarity
> reversal and also on our SG7 which does reverse polarity and
> found both
> units produce about 85% ionic.  Apparently it makes no
> difference...at
> least in our units.
> What now?
> Trem

Well, that sort of destroys that theory, Trem.
What now?
Beats me...

BTW, do you need a longer brewing time switched vs. steady, per unit


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