Re: CS>Living Water & CSHi:

There are things that can be done to water that affects it's surface tension
and hydrogen ion concentration. For instance, bubbling ionized hydrogen gas
through water, increases the pH and makes hydrogen available as the ultimate
antioxident.  Puting Flanagan Microclusters in water does the same thing.
(but at nearly $1.00 CDN per capsule it's cost prohibitive for me) The
research and university studies are in on that one - lots of provable data
available.  It's my understanding that there are water units out there that
add hydrogen to water but I don't know which ones they are.  These living
water machines are pretty vague about what they actually do to the water but
I was hoping they would add hydrogen to it somehow.  My understanding is
that getting enough hydrogen ions into the body could actually stop and even
reverse some cellular aging.  Ionizing hydrogen gas in a kitchen and
bubbling it through water isn't the everyday kitchen equipment I'd like to
have.  I've barely got room on the counter top as it is.  I really don't
know what effect making CS from this type of water would have as it's
conductivity would be much higher than distilled.  I use the HVAC Ultra Pro
from Csprosystems.  It's made hundreds of gallons of excellent CS for me and
others for three years now but it's design only accomodates very pure
distilled water. I've had no experience with LVDC CS but some people like to
increase the conductivity of the water by heating it or adding baking soda
as an electrolyte.  Could negative hydrogen ions accomplish the same effect
of increasing conductivity as well as haveing antioxidant property and
assist in producing good CS?


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