----- Original Message -----
From: "Brooks Bradley" <liat...@flash.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2002 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: 100-500 PPM CS and how it's made

>                                 In our past research utililzing CS for ear
> infections, we found that the efficacy was greatly affected by the
> coefficient.....of the particular volunteer's ear environment.  High wax
> concentrations greatly limited the effectiveness of CS---no matter how
high the
> concentration (up to 45ppm used).
> We were able to successfully address this challenge....at least in large
> part.....through a preconditioning protocol of 6 to 8 drops of  3.1/2%
> (that is three and one-half percent), at body temperature and allow to
> (reduce the anaerobic terrain) for several minutes before evacuating via
> head-tilting.  This procedure was followed by an equal amount of 10 ppm CS
(6 TO
> 8 drops) from a parent solution previously mixed with 10%--by volume--of
> Because of super-sensitivity from, possible lesions, occurring (rarely
> in some volunteers, we ALWAYS used one drop only at initiation and waited
for 30
> seconds for any adverse reaction.....before proceeding.  This minor
> in protocol administration yielded an order-of-magnitude increase in
> effectiveness....in a majority of cases---from among our experimental
> population..
>                                             Sincerely,
>                                     Brooks Bradley.
  That is similar to how we have being doing it over the past 3 years,
however without DMSO. I shall consider that in any subsequent problems. I
was leary of using DMSO in the ears. In this latest incident. the infection
was quite deep into the ear. We noticed by putting drops in the ears 3 or 4
days a week, it worked well in preventing starting of infections. I've
always held the notion that the ears, nose and throat are all connected, and
one doc told me most bronchial problems, flu etc. start in the ears by germs
incubating and travelling into the Eustachian Tube. I think we just dropped
the ball this time and didn't address the ears until it was too late. I
didn't want to administer abx, however if you've ever known a child to get
meningitis (our friend's boy did....nearly killed him), it's nothing to play
  Now if I could only figure out how to use this iontophoresis machine a
friend gave me. He said it clears up otitis media in 15 minutes.

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