    I read your post with interest as I think with hindsight that distilling 
your own has advantages that outweigh any disadvantages. The problem of 
disposing of the empty store bought DW is to me an onerous task.(Were I to 
enter a housekeeping contest, anyone who bet against me coming in last, would 
lose.) I tried to get Love Water Distillers site but couldn't.  Would you have 
a phone #?
Bob Smith
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Medwith, Robert 
  To: 'cs' 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2003 10:13 AM
  Subject: CS>Distilled Water

  I have made about 20 gallons of distilled water with my new distiller.
  It has all came out great but I need to clean it now from mineral deposits.
  Price was $100 for a Gallon Distiller any one interested look up
  Love Water Distillers.
