Dear Mike,

  You said:

<<Can you  remember  what  it  was   like  when  Bob  Lee  posted long
  descriptions on   colloidal   silver,   and   Ivan   and   the other
  heavyweights discussed  ppm?  The   newbies   like  me  were totally

  **  I recall the feeling.  But I also knew if I stuck around that I'd get
up to speed (or at least be able to grok the gist of it).

  The nice thing here is that no matter how many times a question is asked,
and no matter how seeminngly elementary to those who have been here for a
while, someone is always willing to respond.

  A FAQ would be great, but who's got the time?  There must be one in
existence we could use as a template.  Then again, we could always just
utilize what is out there like this from Jason's site?

  Mike Devour, what do you think about this?


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