Catherine writes:
>   > A FAQ would be great, but who's got the time? There must be one in
>   > existence we could use as a template. Then again, we  could always
>   > just utilize what is out there like this from Jason's site?
>   >
>   > Mike Devour, what do you think about this?

I've put off publishing a FAQ for no other reason than lack of time or 
energy for the product. One is needed.

In fact, were I to publish such a FAQ, I would include, as Jason has, 
instructions for the simple, unregulated CS generator as a way to 
introduce the basics of the process and build the foundation for other 

My taste runs toward simpler page design than Jason's, but the content 
he's created and assembled is damned good.

In answer to your question, Catherine, yes, I welcome anyone's efforts 
to help newcomers. Jason's site is an excellent resource.

Mike Monett writes:
>   Oh, great. 3 nines are not enough - he uses FOUR of them! And relies
>   on the  heavy current drain to bring the voltage down.  Anybody want
>   to hazard  a guess how much current a 9V alkaline can  deliver? It's
>   well into  the  Amp range. Some generator. Not a clue  about  how to
>   make cs. He might as well add some salt to speed it up.

Mike, this is just rude. I admire the poise of Jason's reply. He
treated you, as I would expect of him, better than you deserved.

Most of us started out with just such a generator. We had "a clue"
about how to make CS. Nobody ever exploded a battery that I know of.

The stuff we made, even in the bad-old-days when we used salt,
demonstrated the powerful effects of silver preparations, long before
you were interested in the subject at all.

> That page will bring a lot of people asking - why does my cs turn
> black?

No more than it ever did. CS generation is not rocket science at this
level. Newcomers need minimal guidance -- pure water, pure silver,
clean procedures, close attention to process -- to avoid the usual
mistakes made by newbies.

Refinements can come after, as they're ready for them.

> Actually, if he added a 100k resistor in series, and used 3 ft of
> 12ga cut in half and folded into a "W", he would be making the same
> thing we are talking about now. And the batteries would last much
> longer.

Yes, *YOUR* modifications have the potential to be among the first 
refinements to recommend. Clean electrodes, non-critical operation, 
good quality product, simple enough to construct... Sure, it might be a 
good way to go. But *don't* ask newbies to solder, for heaven's sake!

What you miss, in your haste to trash Jason's offering, is that he very 
carefully guides the newcomer through the process, warning them away 
from all the things you fancied are wrong with it.

>   Patience, me hearties. Faster is not better.

This is true in diplomacy as well as making CS, Mike. Heed your own 

In the Silver List rules under "Commercial Activity" you will find the 
following paragraph:

"This is a non-commercial forum. No vendor may participate except as a
private individual. No promotion of any kind is permitted without my
prior, explicit approval of each occurrence. No vendor or
representative may promote a particular product or malign any other."

These terms were developed to protect the forum from the corrosive 
effects of competitive one-upmanship between vendors.

Though I fully recognise you are not a commercial vendor, I will make a
special exception for you. Please, from now until I say otherwise,
refrain from posting comments that malign the work, process, or product
of any other vendor, researcher, or user.

*WE* are your peer review, Mike. Stop tweaking our noses, or you may 
not be around when everybody finally decides that you were right.

Be well, all.

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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