Dear Mike,

  You said:

<<  Oh, great. 3 nines are not enough - he uses FOUR of them! And relies
  on the  heavy current drain to bring the voltage down.  Anybody want
  to hazard  a guess how much current a 9V alkaline can  deliver? It's
  well into  the  Amp range. Some generator. Not a clue  about  how to
  make cs. He might as well add some salt to speed it up.

  That page  will bring a lot of people asking - why does  my  cs turn

  Actually, if he added a 100k resistor in series, and used 3 ft of 12
  ga cut  in half and folded into a "W", he would be  making  the same
  thing we  are talking about now. And the batteries  would  last much

  **  This is just a beginners' tutorial.   There's time afterwards to
refine the process - after they understand.

   One of the problems with developing a FAQ is that it is difficult to get
the majority of people to agree on everything.

  Jason is quite knowledgable.  I'm sure he'll speak up here in response to


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