
    I am sending some references, in no particular order, that I have
collected on treating cancer. GOD is the Healer. My prayers go with your

Best regards
  :) Marv


Ode Coyote wrote:

>Cancer is a genetic mutation of DNA which can be caused by a virus.  A
>virus uses portions of a cells DNA to replicate and usually destroys the
>viability of the cell in the process. What happens to a partially damaged

  Normally, it would be changed enough and  weakened enough for the immune
system to recognize and kill off.  What if the immune system is not very

AIDs patients come up with a variety of cancers.
  I have no reason to believe [or not believe, as a damaged cell might have
some characteristics of a single celled critter] that CS will kill a
damaged cell, but it could take up the slack for a weakened immune system
releasing what's left of it to address cancerous cells.
...then "if" CS does stimulate stem cells, healing the damage would be

  Everybody is getting cancer all the time.  We live in a sea of radiation,
viral and chemical insults and it all does damage...just not too much of it
to take care of automatically.

  PS  A virus isn't the only thing that can damage DNA, but if the above
idea is correct, it wouldn't matter what damages the cell.

> >
> >   Now I have a question.  On what basis might CS do these things?
> > not bacteria nor is it a virus.
> >
> >    I'd love to hear people's thoughts on this.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Catherine
> >
> >


"Ole Bob" wrote:

Go to google and find Stanislav Burziniski. He has a 62% cure rate on

If Audery or I get cancer we will be in texas in 48 hours and that's no

Jay Ice wrote:

I took this from another list I am on. This sounds promising. :) If I had
cancer I would definetly try this.

" There is a product called methylene blue.  It is used to color microscope
slides.  You can also take the organic version internally to kill cancer and
rid the body of other problems.   It is a strong blue color and stains
everything.  It also turns your urine blue or green.  It takes about three
days for the urine to return to it's normal color after ingesting meth blue.
BUT if you take homozon afterward, it takes about two hours for it to clear
it out of your system.  This shows it has effects far beyond the bowel.  It
increases energy as it super oxygenates your whole body.   Has to be
experienced to be appreciated.  Or hated.  Smile.  Occassionally people find
it is too cleansing and leaves them house bound near the bathroom.  It takes
some careful planning when used in doses that cause liquid stool.

But it has restored some people I know back to health when nothing else did.
It is amazing what cleaning the bowel and increasing oxygne levels
throughout the body will do.

Think I will go do some homozon.  LOL. "

nebmi...@aol.com  Wrote:
.  I'm wondering if there is any thought of what it might do for someone
with pancreatic cancer?  any thoughts for my friend?

Nancy...  Its kind of off topic, but if it hasnt come up already, I would
very strongly urge your friend to look in to taking high doses of
proteolytic enzymes.  There are several good products to be had, but
something like Wobenzym N would be a good place to start.  As long as
they're enteric coated and taken between meals, you're headed in the right
direction.  The bottle directs 3 tablets taken twice a day -- but for a
situation like this, the protocol would more likely be for something on the
order of 10-12 tablets (possibly more), three times per day (on an empty
stomach).  It can get expensive, but Wobenzym can be had in 800 count
bottles for about $75-80.

Best wishes to your friend!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Larkin or Hillary" <mcdil...@bcpl.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 4:57 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Pancreatic cancer

Hello, my sister has an aggressive case of ovarian cancer--we have been
studying alternatives together and she is doing her first liver cleanse
tonight!  We spoke on the phone with Dr. William Donald Kelley today.  He
cured himself of pancreatic cancer a long time ago, and has apparently
helped tens of thousands of people since.   He makes a brand of pancreatic
enzymes which should arrive in the mail tomorrow.  He created the metabolic
typing diet and has written other books.  One of them is online (The One
Answer to Cancer).  There is also a weekly telephone conference call on
Thursdays, which I plan to listen in on.  Dr. Kelley may or may not
participate (his presence would make it much more worthwhile).    Hillary

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