Can't breathe well around it, if I don't get away from it ASAP I can even get 
chest pains, sore throat, etc. The first sniff of it makes me quite nauseous 
I was raised in a household of smokers from birth to 21, worked a lot of years 
in an environment where people were allowed to smoke, and it used to be allowed 
everywhere. When my neighbors are out in their backyard smoking, I have to 
leave my yard and go inside. 
Most smokers, I've found get quite hostile or simply don't believe you if you 
say you are allergic, the smell makes you ill, etc. What I get goes way beyond 
just thinking it stinks, which it does. To me it is not an aroma, its a foul 
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: ronwilson 

  You say you are allergic to cig. smoke, What reactions do you have?