sol7/1/03 7:39 PM

> Can't breathe well around it, if I don't get away from it ASAP I can even get
> chest pains, sore throat, etc. The first sniff of it makes me quite nauseous
> also.
> I was raised in a household of smokers from birth to 21, worked a lot of years
> in an environment where people were allowed to smoke, and it used to be
> allowed everywhere. When my neighbors are out in their backyard smoking, I
> have to leave my yard and go inside.
> Most smokers, I've found get quite hostile or simply don't believe you if you
> say you are allergic, the smell makes you ill, etc. What I get goes way beyond
> just thinking it stinks, which it does. To me it is not an aroma, its a foul
> stench. 
> paula
Yet you tell Mike Monett to
Try to get control of his -
(did you say)  hyper response?


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