I called Nassau, talked to a Miss Julie, and she sent me this. Sorry.,    Jim

      We are unable to help you.  We do not have the products and are unable to 
answer any questions at this time.  Please read the letter listed below 
regarding our current situation and refer to our web site for any additional 
information on products.

      Jayde Williams, 
      Customer Relations Specialist
      Alpha Omega Labs
      (888) 220-6780

      Dear Alpha Omega Customer,


      At this time we are unable to provide you with the following products:


      Agaricus Drops

      Agaricus Extract

      Alpha Omega III Dentifrice

      Aloe Vera Acemannan

      Andrographis Paniculata

      Andrographis Plus


      AO Bone Builder

      AO Bioentergized Flaxseed

      AO Heart Drops


      Artemis II

      Beta Glucan

      Beta Glucan Plus

      Blenheim Apricot Seeds

      Bloodroot Paste


      Coral Calcium Plus

      Cansema Salve (all)

      Cansema Tonic I

      Cansema Tonic III

      Cansema Capsules

      CanSupport Capsules (all)

      Clean Colon

      Ecomed Electronic Normalizer

      Ellagic Acid

      Emu Oil

      Enchanted Ruins (all clays)

      Gotas Drops

      H3O Products

      HRx Products

      Joint Relief

      Lugol's Iodine

      Microflora Restore 

      Old Amish Dewormer

      Olive Leaf Powder

      Olive Leaf Extract

      Omega LB

      Omega UR

      Phyto Rx Tinctures (all)

      Suppositories (all)

      Tomsk (all models)

      The Duna "Sputnik"


      At 9:10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 17th, 2003 the Federal Drug 
Administration (FDA) suspended most activities at our fulfillment center in 
Louisiana.  They have deemed the above products questionable in the United 
States of America.  They believe that our products are not safe for human 
consumption.  The FDA is currently testing the products they have taken from 
our facility.  They have accused us of making health claims for our products, 
such as claiming they could cure, prevent or treat a disease even though we 
have a disclaimer on almost every page and each product label stating: "To U.S. 
Users Only: The statements made on this page have not been evaluated by the 
U.S. Food & Drug Administration.  The viewing of this page in your country is 
for historic and educational purposes only. This product is not intended to 
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease."

      If you are satisfied with our products and their usefulness in helping to 
maintain your health and well being, please forward a signed testimonial to 
supp...@altcancer.com.  We would appreciate if you would contact your local 
congressman to help in the amendment of the current laws which prevent you from 
obtaining the alternative health products that Alpha Omega and other companies 


      You can also contact the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to petition 
the FDA by using the contact numbers below:


      FDA Toll Free Number:  1-888-INFO-FDA (1-888-463-6332)

      FDA Web Address: www.fda.gov

      To Petition the FDA:



      The products that we are allowed to sell and ship are: Aqua Marine Life 
Force, Stevia Extract, Transfer Fact Rx, Andrographis, Andrographis Plus, 
Protocel Pro Enzymes, Protocel ProGe-132, Essex Botanical, Hoxsiac, Mojave 
Nectar, Shilajit, pH strips, Kavakosh, Shen Min Products, Raiza Crème, QuikHeal 
Blue, QuikHeal Green, all Neem Products, Reforma CCVI, Vitalio Body Fat 
Analyzer, Anorex and Anorex SF.


      If you have any other questions or comments, please do not hesitate to 
contact us.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Me 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 8:54 AM
  Subject: CS>RE: altcancer.com and orderiing

    I am unable to keep up with all the posts......so I think I may have messed 
up here. I just ordered some of their product last night due to my husband 
having skin and prostate cancer. Is there any chance I would receive it or 
should I just order it from the Bahama's. Any help would be appreciated. Love 
the list and it's discussion. As you can see I need a lot of help. Got yellow 
cs last time, and clear from the individual who made us our generator. Haven't 
gotten to the bottom of the problem. Am I to take the yellow or should it just 
be discarded. Thanks again, Norma      kath...@pacbell.net