Symbolgy of 'turkey'
unthinking [But wild ones are quite crafty]

 Turkey meat has high levels of tryptofan [sp?]..a powerful drug possibly
similar to non stimulant anti depressants.
 Most often eaten at times when people don't have to, like, work and have
time to relax.

Turkey.  A feathered chill pill.
...could be curative on many levels.
 Eat and sleep well.
 Pheasant dreams?


 Most people are like chickens. [very much awake, yet unaware,
opportunistic...and gossipy]
Pecking order...civilization...scratching out a living.

At 10:59 AM 11/14/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:
>> doing Atkins does not require eating red meat, or portk, or for that matter
>> any meat.
>That is true, neither my wife nor I have eaten any beef in several years now.
>We cut that out when the mad cow thing got scary.  Just bought two turkeys
>49 cents a pound. that is less expensive than vegetables, breads and almost
>anything else.
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