I would not put much faith in the urbanlegends site, either they have
been bought off, or their research is lacking.

They also claim that a letter that was sent to a committe about
aspartame being poisonous was a scam (I actually followed up on this and
they claimed the person sending the letter did not exist and the letter
was a hoax, yet I talked with her and verified it was not a scam.), and
that aspertame is a proven healthy product. yeh right! After seeing that
one, I no longer give what they say any validity.


Alaina wrote:

> I saw this on another list and its a scam people are saying..
> http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/bl_swiffer_wetjet.htmI'm not a
> fan of Porter & Gamble so I dont use it...
>      -----Original Message-----
>      From: Jessica Tighe [mailto:jandwti...@charter.net]
>      Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 1:06 AM
>      To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>      Subject: CS>[OT] cross-posting warning for animal owners
>      This is from a Rhodesian Ridgeback list. Re: The Swiffer Wet
>      Jet and your Pets
>      Permission to cross post
>      From a Pennsylvania rescue list::
>      I recently had a neighbor who had to have their
>       5-year old German
>       Shepherd dog put down due to liver failure. The dog was
>       completely healthy
>       until a
>       few weeks ago, so they had a necropsy done to see
>       what the cause was.
>       The
>       liver levels were unbelievable, as if the dog had
>       ingested poison of
>       some
>       kind. The dog is kept inside, and when he's outside,
>       someone's with
>       him, so
>       the idea of him getting into something unknown was
>       hard to believe. My
>       neighbor started going through all the items in the
>       house. When he
>       got to
>       the Swiffer Wetjet, he noticed, in very tiny print,
>       a warning which
>       stated
>       "may be harmful to small children and animals." He
>       called the company
>       to ask
>       what the contents of the cleaning agent are and was
>       astounded to find
>       out
>       that anitfreeze is one of the ingredients. (actually
>       he was told it's
>       a
>       compound which is one molecule away from
>       anitfreeze).
>      Therefore, just by the dog walking on the floor
>       cleaned with the
>       solution,
>       then licking it's own paws, and the dog eating from
>       its dishes which
>       were
>       kept on the kitchen floor cleaned with this product,
>       it ingested
>       enough of
>       the solution to destroy its liver.
>      Soon after his dog's death, his housekeepers' two
>       cats also died of
>       liver
>       failure. They both used the Swiffer Wetjet for quick
>       cleanups on their
>       floors. Necropsies weren't done on the cats, so they
>       couldn't file a
>       lawsuit, but he asked that we spread the word to as
>       many people as
>       possible
>      so they don't lose their animals.