RE: CS>Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing Developments

From: Tony Moody wrote:
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2004 10:16:49 

Dear Dan,

I have seen one of those running. It was about 1 mouse power, and 
rotated fairly slowly and steadily, like about 100rpm. there was a bit

of torque but I could easily slow it with finger pressure on the shaft.
was basically 4 rotating coils and 4 stationary magnets all in a NSNS 
orientation. The wheel and frame were of wood and a steel shaft in 
bearings.  Had a star shaped brass piece on the end of the shaft 
which was one part of the commutator. the other contact had an 
adjustable advance/retard mechanism for tuning for no sparking. Not 
very impressive power or speed -wise. What was really remarkable 
was that the local taxi drivers brought their dead batteries for 
recharging. Free. there were about a dozen 12volt batteries on the 
floor all connected in parallel. 




That is quite interesting.  It would be interesting to see what they
actually doing and what is actually happening to the batteries.  It
be as simple as a method to de-sulphate the battery plates.  Also, 
anything like this running along with batteries is immediately suspect
one can really inspect and understand it rather than just see it

Two of the most interesting things I have seen (written about) are:

Parallel path 

Minato magnetic motor

The problem is, if this stuff is real, where is the product?  I would
love to 
have an above unity generator running in my house.


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