Are you including all forms of meat here John? Even organic or wild,
fish (I know very few are clean)?

I realize Ann Wigmore's Hippocrates Health Institute recommended mostly
live foods like sprouts and that they are high in protien. Could be that
Type O that needs alot of protein would do well on this diet. I think we
get used to what we are eating and switching can be difficult.

I gave up beef a couple years ago because my teenage daughter, who does
most of the cooing read that it spikes testosterone and causes acne.
Sure enough the acne we all had was much improved. And now we no longer
crave it, in fact it repels all of us. I used to crave rare meat once a
month when PMSing.

I still eat natural or organic pork, chicken and look for wild caught
fish. Not bottom feeders though. 


On Wed, 2004-11-10 at 21:11, John Rigby wrote:
> At 12:18 AM 11/11/04, Joni wrote:
> >Thank you both for the information, but how do I figure out what alkalizes 
> >MY body, since everyone does respond differently.
> >
> >I do have one cup of coffe in the morning, I eat fruit and grains, nuts, 
> >very little meat, mostly chicken baked, I have recently tried to remove 
> >most of the dairy products, I was having lots of cheese, yogurt and milk 
> >and cereal every morning, I eat lots of salads and soups and vegetables, I 
> >drink lots of water.  It havne't managed totally cutting out the sugar, 
> >but I am trying.
> >
> >joni
> Hi Joni,
> It *is* all very confusing.  But you should see what happens to people who 
> "advance" to the Cancer zone!
> The trauma of being told that you have The Big C  - especially as everyone 
> really knows it is a death sentence (if the diagnosis is right) - is hard 
> enough to take, but then you have to cope with both well-meaning bum advice 
> and deliberate bum advice from all sorts of quarters.
> Having worked directly with nearly a thousand  so-called "Terminal" Cancer 
> patients over a long time and being one, the Cancervivor Underground 
> developed a lot of  data that was "untainted" by outside vested 
> interests.  We developed a lot of techniques for coping and curing and here 
> is the simple truth of untold hours of experience:
> 1. Diet determines whether you live or die well. (That does mean everybody)
> As Sol said his idea is that a no meat diet is not best for everyone. But 
> we are talking about dying people here. In all of our "salvation records" 
> we do not know of a single person who died following the 5 Rules. We do 
> know of thousands who died by not following them. The single most critical 
> one is to give up meat. It even makes healthy people sick. Of course, it 
> goes without saying that sugar is right up there with it.
> 2. Personal resolution and action is next important.
> You either stop believing the nonsense escapism that you "catch" 
> Cancer/colds/flu/pregnancy and it isn't your fault, or you die. Because you 
> have to suddenly become very SELF-determined and accept the reality and do 
> the necessary. ALWAYS against great opposition, some well-meaning, some 
> deliberately destructive.
> 3. Getting completely away from the Medical Industry is vital.
> ( People do survive the "treatments", but very rarely and never well).  The 
> greatest truth you will ever learn is that the truth of health is that it 
> has no money in it for anyone. Thus, it is denigrated with unbelievable 
> ferocity by The System.
> You might find a visit here a good start towards reality - hard to take, 
> but the real thing.
> One of the  books found very good as a "starter" by thousands of 
> Cancervivors is "Health On Your Plate" by Janet Pleshette ISBN 
> -0-600-20377-8  or any starter books of Macrobiotics.
> As a golden rule, the only people worth talking to are those who have 
> actually been there and done that. The survivors.
> The rest, no matter how well-meaning just don't have a clue. Worse, there 
> are a lot of incredibly powerful vested interests like the Pharma/Doctors, 
> whose whole life is bound up in you never knowing the truth and never 
> getting well.
> This is a big subject area, but very pertinent to any list like CS because 
> here you can get just a glimpse of what "They" have done and will do to 
> stop you ever getting to the truth of something as simple and magical as CS 
> - known for thousands of years for its efficacy.
> The good news is ANYONE can make it back, but so few want to develop the 
> discipline - they would rather die than give up their "good life" , so they 
> do.
> To all of you out there - don't despair.  If tough gigs like Cancer and MS 
> and Sugar Diabetes and Manic Depression and AIDS can be removed, how tough 
> can your problem REALLY be?
> It is only the actual cure that is tough.......... and most people aren't 
> in enough pain ( thanks to modern medicine) to be forced to act.
> Pepto anyone?
> Cheers!
> Himagain
> --
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