At 04:32 AM 11/11/04, you wrote:
o adopt the belief, very rigidly that their particular belief system somehow reflects human evolution, and that therefore the diet they believe in is best for every single human on the planet. I have read many articles defending and promoting the idea that 1) humans are bilogically and evolutionarily vegans/vegetarians, and 2) humans are biologically and evolutionarily carnivores. So far as I can tell, one can compare GI functions and measure intestinal lengths ad nauseum to prove either belief.

Hi Sol,
Ah! Here I can help you. The confusion is in the insistence that modern foods are the same as those of even 100 years ago. First problem. The second problem is in the combining of food at the time of attempting to digest it. Logical will tell you that YOU have one stomach. Some foods require to be digested by a highly concentrated acid process. Others require an alkaline process. The killer ( literally) is in bad combinations of food and today the mutated monstrocities that are no relation to the legumes etc or especially, meat of old.

Man is an amazing food machine - a true omnivore - but that doesn't mean we should stress the machine with very demanding - work.
As meat eaters, particularly dead stuff - carrion - if you will pardon the pun:
we just don't have the stomach for it!!   :-)
AND the proof is in the pudding.
Are you sick? REALLY sick? Just give up the "good things" especially meat, white stuff, and cut back once you are off the meat on the H20. It's magic!



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