I am still confused:

buzĀ·zard  (bzrd)  n.
      1. Any of various North American vultures, such as the turkey vulture.


The name buzzard is given to a miscellaneous assortment of scavenger birds--six
New World vultures belonging to the Cathartidae family are often called
buzzards--but in a more restricted sense the term applies to many Old World
hawks, family Accipitridae, that may or may not be scavengers. An example is the
European buzzard, Buteo buteo, closely related to the American red tailed hawk.

It appears that buzzard is a vulture in the US, but a hawk in Europe.


Garnet wrote:

> Funny I was just thinking about these two terms and wondering if they
> were interchangeable. Thanks for filling in my thoughts!
> Garnet
> On Thu, 2004-11-11 at 09:30, mamapug wrote:
> > Hey, Garnet, a real buzzard is actually a hawk.
> > The carrion eaters are vultures.
> > Sorry, I`m a bird-loving purist...  :o)
> > Marshalee
> > >
> > > We have a local T shirt that honors our buzzard population, without whom
> > > the abundance of road kill deer would surely cause the road crews to put
> > > on more workers to keep up. It is a buzzard sitting on a highway sign
> > > that says "Carrion The Tradition". Gotta love those buzzards.
> > >
> > > Garnet
> >
> >
> >
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