At 01:12 AM 08/02/05, Jason wrote:
With cancer caused by toxemia, which is likely the causative factor in colon
cancer, it doesn't much matter what you add to the body if the body is not
capable of eliminating toxic substances.

********** Totally true.

I wish I could agree that simple dietary changes are the cure for cancer.
Despite hundreds to thousands of reports of "dietary cures", many people do
change their diets completely and still perish.  Normally, we only hear
about the success cases, as the ones who fail are no longer capable of
"filing a complaint".  Cancer can take on a life of its own.

********* As usual we are dealing with half stories all the time, a priori . Dietary changes ALONE aren't the cure for Cancer, but without them as first action, nothing will save the afflicted. The famous "carrot diet" alone had over 40,000 attested successes 50 years ago.

As stated before - sadly always anecdotally - the underground Cancervivor groups have unknown thousands of complete cures. My own experience had zero failures with the "qualified" people: vis no major prior medical intervention/destruction by way of radiation/chemo. Same results as the Medical Mafia mirror-reversed: They have 100% failure in properly diagnosed cases - Cancervivors 100% success. The only failures recorded were of participants. Nobody survived who broke the detox rule. Nobody died who followed it.

Not just going on a "diet", but reversing the intoxicating activities that created the environment for the creation of Cancer.
I've passed on a few extra points over time here:
1. Correct defecation training
2. Environmental "Sherlock management"
3. The power of the spirit.  NOTHING works without the right "state of mind".

Sorry, but just as the law of gravity is fixed for us down here, so is the Law of Retribution. It takes a loooong time to create a Cancer-attractive environment, so it takes a long time to reverse it. There is NEVER going to be a Magic Pill to undo the bodily sins or iatrogenic damage. It is also most definitely a case of the "sins of the parents being visited" in the case of the young,
from my own observations.

I really do wish there was a simple easy answer ..............

Himagain. Who finally learned discipline waaaaay beyond his martial arts demands.... :-)

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