Lori said,
"I have two questions concerning Colloidal Silver. The
first question deals with immunity and CS. I know from
experience and research that heavy use of antibiotics
results in a compromised immune system. The immune
system comes to depend heavily on the antibiotics to
fight disease and soon the antibiotics become
necessary to fight off even the simplest of germs.
Does this happen with CS?  Why or why not?"

First off, the immune system does not become
“dependent” on antibiotics anymore than it becomes
“dependent” on chemotherapy or radiation. Antibiotics
attack everything in sight, and damage ("compromise")
the immune system so that it does not function right.
CS aids the immune system in more ways than simply
killing pathogens, as seen by the incident of folks
experiencing improvement with health problems when
they take CS that are not related to pathogens. I have
seen several doctors who are convinced that silver is
an essential nutrient that our body needs, just like
iron or selenium. Dr. Carey Reams taught that our
bodies use ALL minerals (in the right form).          

"I have heard comments from several friends about
colloidal silver having a shelf life or losing its
potency. A friend that has made CS for years states
that towards the end of his bottle (8 ounces) he can
tell the CS is not as potent anymore, like it has lost
its charge. He notices that it is not as effective." 

Recently a man called me to order a bottle of CS. He
had started to come down with a cold or something, and
the last of his CS nipped the cold in one day, and he
didn’t want to be without it. I didn’t recognize his
name, so I asked him where he had obtained the CS he
had. He named a HF store I used to supply that went
out of business a while ago. I asked him to describe
the label, and he described a label I haven’t used for
over four years. I am personally of the opinion that
some CS does not last as long as others. (My personal
belief is that low-voltage CS is not as stable as
higher-voltage CS.) 

"A friend that owns an herb shop says the CS is
susceptible to light and must be in a dark glass
container and must be handled carefully. I have read
online that the CS does NOT need to be in a dark or
amber colored glass. My question is.. Does CS have a
shelf life? How long is it? What things besides
freezing effect CS?"

After I had started making higher-voltage CS, I put a
clear-glass jar of it in the window with the date on
it and left it there for 15 months (forgot about it,
actually). After 15 months of all day, direct
sunlight, it had a very, very faint yellowish tint to
it that you had to look at from several angles to see.
When I was making 30-volt CS, I could never have done
that. The purity of the water also plays a big part.

"Why would CS become "contaminated" and not useful
anymore? If CS kills whatever germs it comes into
contact with, how could CS possibly get contaminated
by a Q-tip or cotton ball coming into contact with

To come to the conclusion that a batch or bottle of CS
has lost its potency has nothing to do with it being
“contaminated”. The “not useful” aspect would simply
mean that the silver particles had lost their charge
and fallen out of the water to the bottom of the
bottle. In that case, some folks would suggest it be
shaken up to make the silver particles evenly
distributed. The contamination from a cotton ball or
Q-tip, or from someone drinking right from the bottle
would not have to do with pathogens, but
minerals/chemicals, etc., that *might* join with the
CS to form some kind of compound. I personally don’t
believe this is likely to happen, because compounds
are usually created during the electrical brewing
process, not just from being poured together. Nor do I
fear the “toxicity” of any of these accidental
compounds that might happen from a Q-tip or my saliva
(geez, they’re already in my mouth).

Folks, you don’t need to be careful or paranoid about
CS. No, don’t use rusty tap water, no, don’t cook it
to death, no, don’t use Sterling silver, no, don’t
brew it in metal containers, but other than that,
don’t worry about it. Pure water, Fine silver,
reasonable brewing time, glass brewing containers,
light color, any DC voltage. Make it and drink it,
clear, yellow, gold, murky, occasionally brown. I’ve
made and drunk it all, many times, and there’s nothing
blue about me.

Terry Chamberlin

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