lkfields wrote:

>  I am completely floored at how effective and how QUICKLY CS works.  I
> burned my hand day before yesterday taking something out of the oven.
> I sprayed cs topically on it several times that evening.  It was a
> superficial burn but in the past would blister and then form a thin
> scab then heal.  I sprayed the cs on it periodically that night, and
> then a few times the next day.  I was stunned to find that although it
> really hurt I had No blister form and no scab.  I am looking at it now
> and it has a shiny place on the finger where I burned it but that it
> IT!Then today I noticed that I had a place on my gums that was getting
> a bit swollen around where two teeth meet.  Normally I floss, scrub
> with toothpaste and baking soda, and repeat.  The swelling usually
> subsides by the next morning.  I did my normal routine but noticed
> that the swelling was quite painful.  So I tried again.  Then I
> remembered I could use CS on it with a cotton swab.  It has been 2
> hours later and the swelling is GONE.  I am stunned.OK, so this makes
> me wonder.....  see the body can and does heal itself.  Most
> infections or illnesses are cleared up within 10 day to two weeks.
> Most doctors know this and try to get their patients to wait at least
> that long before treatment.  Most people however want the pill, so a
> prescription is prescribed and the meds are taken.Is it possible, that
> the meds are really NOT working but the body's natural ability to heal
> itself is (despite having to fight the drugs)?  I ask this because I
> am floored that the CS works so quickly.  If the drugs were *really*
> doing the job at healing..wouldn't we see such fast healing rates?
> Exactly what drugs are you talking about?  Very few if any drugs
> promote healing that I know of.  Antibiotics kill pathogens, but do
> not promote healing. The only things that I know of that really
> promote healing are natural herbs and miinerals, such as aloe vera and
> CS.
> Marshall
>  Lori