I can only give you my personal experiences with chelation.  I have had 102 
chelation treatments.  As I understand it from my doctor and the nurses in the 
chelation room, EDTA (ethelynediaminetetrecedic acid) is for removing heavy 
metals safely from the body. It also clears the calcification fro the arteries. 
 This would have nothing to do with killing any pathogens.  

What I do, since I have done my own study and research on DMSO, is have them 
put 10cc of pure DMSO in my chelation bag.  This is what will kill pathogens.  
In fact DMSO is approved by the FDA for treatment of Intersistial (sp) 
cystitis.  Apparantly because it is the only thing that can reach that far 
inside the body (supposition).  I increased my treatments to one a week for the 
last 12 weeks because I have afib, and I read that one of the possible causes 
could be hardning of the arteries, and I had become lax on my treatments only 
getting one every 3 to 6 months, instead of monthly as recommended.  I'm in 
sinus rythem now, and trying to defeat my next dragon, type II diabetes...btw, 
my immune system is ironclad.  I live with a lady who recently had a severe 
upper respiratory infection and resultant cough.  Her mother got it from her on 
a visit.  I didn't get it at all, and I sleep with her... Of course I sneaked 
about a pint of CS every night on one of my trips to pee....
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Linda Ellis 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 4:42 PM
  Subject: CS>Speaking of chelation

  We have just had an experience here, and I wonder if anyone on this list can 
point me to resources to check this out.

  My mother-in-law was admitted to ICU with severe infections - she has had 
UTIs about three times a year for 20 years,