My understanding about any international treaty having to do with Codex is that our supplements exported to the subscribing countries will have to meet their standards, but domestic USA production for domestic use will not be afected. A different scenario is that of pharmas buying into the Nutraceutical industry. This has been going on for a while. Health From the Sun, a fine fatty-acid producer has been purchased by Arko-Pharma and Solgar a solid producer of synthetic vitamins has been also bought by another pharma co.and now, I hear, is being offered for sale again. I have good contacts with manufacturers like Jarrow, Nutrceuticasl, Solaray, Biotics, Apex, amonsgt many, many others who will remain faithful to the supplement industry until the offers will get high enough. That is not what they are saying but everyone has a price. I have felt for the longest time that the only ultimate solution s to form a manufacturing cooperative large enough to justify the expense and controlled by the members. However, the FDA is now in the process of reviewing the Good Manufactring Practices for Dietary supplement manufacturers. They are a lot tougher than those applied to the food industry and very close to the pharmaceutical standards. Many smaller firms will collapse under the weight of the regulation and paperwork. I work with a small manufaturer in Miami, NNFA approved (industry's own approval) He has been making products for me for the last 10 years but he fears he is not going to survive the upcoming GMP.

Another highly insidious front is known as "Weiling" refering to Andrew Weil, the opportunistic MD who is trying to absorb the nutritional industry into the medical world.
Frank Cuns-Rial
----- Original Message ----- From: "Nenah Sylver" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>CODEX in Rome

----- Original Message ----- From: "Marshall Dudley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CODEX in Rome

I don't agree. They have bought into to it to limit their losses. But they
would much rather sell $500 in prescription medicine at a 5,000% markup, then
$10 in supplements with a 50% markup.  That way they $490.00 instead of


I hope your reasoned response is correct. However, my understanding is that supplements will now undergo an incredible markup even higher than their cost now.

I am actively investigating alternatives to most (if not all) supplements, since I don't want to support the pharmaceutical companies or doctors.

Please everyone, if you haven't faxed a letter to your congressperson, please do so.


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