Nothing further from my mind that argue a pointless issue but I need to remind you that the same type of sentiment was running when we signed into WTO.
I remember " the chinese are going to tell us what to do.." and so on.
Nenah, I have been in the supplelement business for ten years (ex-chemist in my previous corporate career), I belong to their associations, know most of the principals, meet with them at seminars, conferences, etc, consult for some and nobody is attaching any significance to the Codex or Cafta as a threat to our domestic liberties. I did call Mel Martinez's office (senator) and asked once again what would the effect be and the legal advisor expressed a similar view. These treaties are to regulate our traffic to them not to control our internal affairs. Only Congress can act to rescind or modify DSHEA. I make my living formulating, consulting and selling supplements and I am not concerned by Codex. Europeans are under the authority of Codex and they deserve it because for many years they have been scolding us for our liberal approach to supplements and giving us the same falacious argument as the dieticians in this country use, namely that " a balanced diet supplies the necessary nutrients,,," Keep also in mind that in Germany, England and France the Homeopathic medicine is going to boom. Rath thought to gain reverse momentum to affect Rome's meeting by capitalizing on our freedoms. Unfortunatelly it did not work. I must say that some countries such as Indonesia, Philipines, etc are presently using much tighter rules than Codex and thus they represent an opportunity for more imports from US. What will do our industry in, is the "enemy within" Many schools of Naturpopathy are no more than alopathics using natural remedies. They believe in remedying, rather than curing. They use herbals not to cure but to "manage" disease. Is a trade off of synthetics for natural compounds but the underlying healing philosophy is much different from that of the tradicional naturistic physicians. Be aware of schools emerging all over offering two years of weekend training for MD allopaths to get a degree in naturopathy. The NIH has a definite agenda to destroy us by accepting to run studies (double-blinds, placebo controlled, multicenter, etc.) on specific supplements against specific diseases. Those who submit to that approach are totally unaware of biochemical individuality and pretend to gain the seal of approval of the NHI for commercial purposes. Many fail and they blame the establishment. Fools. They are the ones who make money peddling compounds but they have no idea about their physiological dynamics. These are the folks that are doing us in together with the the FDA-AMA-FTC cartel and our fury and discust should be primarily directed against them.
But then, that is just my opinion....
PS I'll never feel "shouted" at by you.

Frank Cuns-Rial.. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nenah Sylver" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CODEX in Rome

----- Original Message ----- From: "FRANK CUNS-RIAL" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 05, 2005 1:26 PM
Subject: Re: CS>CODEX in Rome

My understanding about any international treaty having to do with Codex is that our supplements exported to the subscribing countries will have to meet their standards, but domestic USA production for domestic use will not be afected.

NO NO NO!!!!! This is not true. If CAFTA (another "treaty") is signed, this will be the final nail in the coffin. The US will be bound to accept the INTERNATIONAL STANDARD rather than its own laws. International standards will SUPERSEDE our own sovereignty.

This is why CODEX is so insidious.

Frank, I don't mean to "shout" at you, I'm just trying to correct misinformation. There have been plenty of "plants" out there trying to mislead us into complacency.

Another highly insidious front is known as "Weiling" refering to Andrew Weil, the opportunistic MD who is trying to absorb the nutritional industry into the medical world.

I once received a few sample newsletters from Weil and found them full of misinformation.


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