without the archives to fall back on, i've missed info on the "salt and vitamin c" protocol, and the "vitamin c and niacin" thingy. could you give me some leads??? neat list, here.


ransley wrote:

Someone wrote:
If I see nasty creatures that came out of me, I'll be
writing from the mental institution next time! <

I've been so busy for weeks now fighting Lyme disease in a family member,
that I haven't had time to keep up with this forum, but this caught my eye.

Some of you will know that I've been around these forums for a long time and
have experienced remarkable recoveries, but nothing prepared me for what I'm
going to tell you now (A few here already know about this).

I started doing the Salt & Vitamin C protocol over a month ago to be in
solidarity with my family member. Within a few days, a freaking worm came
out of my tongue. I can scarcely describe the revulsion, but the comment
above comes pretty dang close!

It appears it was a nematode. This creature and this happening are described
at Lymephotos.com.

Parasites are for real, people. I am now a believer. The ironic thing is
that I never gave much credence to parasite infestations before. Now I'm a
bit more educated. I could have gotten this thing in larval form from eating
a salad. Nematode larva can burrow into any part of your body.


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