Cultured Cabbage Juice - Make the Best Lactobacteria
    Health through Nutrition
    Practical Health
      A prime requirement for health is to improve the flora of your gut!  
Instead of spending big bucks for all the pseudo gut bacteria that's  being 
pushed, here is simple, cheap and very effective way make your  own the 
traditional way. As is almost always the case, the best medicine is yet again a 
    ..."Specific types of live bacteria — called probiotics — live in 
 the human gut. Take them in the right amount for the right illness and  they 
fight disease.
    Probiotics  can relieve lactose intolerance, prevent allergies and bladder 
and  vaginal infections. That’s why Dr. Gregor Reid, a professor of  
microbiology at the University of Western Ontario, is fighting so hard  to 
promote them."...
    Click on Lactobacteria to see its importance.
  Chris Gupta
    To implant friendly lactobacteria in the colon and heal damaged  mucus 
membranes of the G.I. tract, you need to drink about 1 and 1/2  cup daily of 
cultured cabbage juice. Here is how to make it. Fill  blender with chopped 
green cabbage and add distilled water until about  2/3 full. (Do not use well 
water or tap water). Beat at high speed in  the blender for one minute. Pour 
mixture into bowl and repeat with two  more batches. Cover with Seran wrap or 
similar material and let stand  at room temperature. After 3 days, the cabbage 
juice solution is ready  to use. Strain the mixture to separate the liquid from 
the pulp. Place  the cultured cabbage juice in refrigerator. Drink 1/2 cup of 
this  solution diluted with an equal part of water 2 or 3 times each day.  When 
your supply gets low, make second batch just like the first one,  except, add 
1/2 cup of the juice from the first batch to the second  batch. Your second 
batch will be ready just 24 hours.
    This process may be repeated indefinitely. Each serving contains  several 
billion friendly lactobacteria. The lactic acid in the culture  cabbage juice 
will purify the G.I. tract and kill most strains of fungi  parasites and other 
    You should drink this mixture until your stools float in the toilet  bowl 
and are odor free. When that happens, you may lower your dosage of  cultured 
cabbage juice to one serving each day as maintenance dosage.  You may eat one 
cup of raw cabbage as a substitute for 1/2 cup of  cultured cabbage juice.
    Excerpted from "Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy" By Conrad Lebeau. 11th Edition
    "This little book could save your life!, March 7, 2001.
    Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) is perhaps THE best kept secret of the  mainstream 
medical community! Why? Because it works! This little book  puts in simple text 
how H2O2 is nothing more than water with an extra  molecule of oxygen, and how 
ingesting diluted 35% food  grade H2O2 can put you on the road to a disease 
free life. It dispels  the myth that H2O2 is somehow BAD for you, which 
couldn't be further  from the truth! Using a recipe in this book, I made an 
"Oxygel" which I  then used to treat and remove a pre-cancerous keratinoma from 
my arm  which my doctor says would have resulted in a melanoma eventually! A  
natural chemo-therapy? You make the call. This book is a MUST for  anyone 
interested in being disease free! Stop being brainwashed and led  around with a 
nose ring by today's conventional medical community whose  own self serving, 
money hungry interests are keeping you from being  your best!"
    Reviewer: Chuck Olson from Bellville, TX USA 
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    posted by Chris Gupta on Thursday September 18 2003
  updated on Saturday September 24 2005
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  There is   much more to be gained from this than just the treatment of Lyme   

  Carol Ann
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