Carol Ann  wrote:  
Ransley,   Your posts and other like it have made me so much  more conscious
of food and the importance of not underestimating or overlooking
cleanliness. ... 
Carol Ann- you're almost right on target, but here's the further conclusions
I've come to: absolute cleanliness is beyond us and we must practice
prevention in other ways. I could not see that nematode larva just as your
son could not see those apple maggots. In neither case could we do anything
about it beforehand, even by all normal methods such as washing. We could
only avoid it by cooking or irradiation. We can't live too good on nothing
but cooked foods and we sure don't want irradiation. Therefore, we must be
doing something that takes care of it after the fact, considering that we
are constantly being exposed.
Just as many people including myself have embraced CS as a preventative for
infections of one-celled organisms, I am now embracing the Salt & C protocol
for just about everything else. Many others are too. But for anyone
considering this, it's very important to note that this does not include
common table salt. At a very minimum it means salts such as Hain Sea Salt or
Redmond's RealSalt. I have moved on to other high quality salts,
particularly Fleur-de-Sel and Himalayan salts from Pakistan. 
There have already been numerous other benefits. My neck has been quite
troublesome, herniated disks, stenosis, all that. I have been taking CMO
from TJ Garland for 2-3 years for it. When I started taking colostrum I
started having "risings", boils and pimples, on the back of my neck, and
started having more limberness in my neck, When I started taking Salt/C, the
risings really went into high gear and I had to keep them rubbed with
CS&DMSO. This went on for 2-3 weeks and has now subsided. My neck is in
better shape now than in many years.
More is to be learned about Salt/C at
There is much more to be gained from this than just the treatment of Lyme