
I think the risings were pathogens, perhaps nanobacteria, coming out of my
neck/spine, the last vestiges of my Degenerative Disk Disease perhaps. Can't
prove a thing.

My unprofessional opinion that you are seeing the exodus of some sort of
pathogen. My opinion that nothing I've done yet stacks up to Himalayan Salt
and natural seasalt.

DMSO relieves pain right away, and these risings were painful, also it and
CS of course are pathogen killers, so I just wanted to kill 'em all and be
done with it.

The monster has not wiggled again:)


-----Original Message-----
From: Rowena [] 

R enquires: Daddybob, what is the reason for the risings as far as you know?

Germs, toxins, parasites, something else?
I'm not doing salt/C, but I am taking Himalayan salt solution in water and
sea salt in general in greater quantities.
I got a ring of spots or something like a hatband around my head, and a spot
on my forehead that is quite strange.
I've wondered whether I should put a bandaid or something on it in case it
is a worm exiting.  Quite often unthinkingly I will scratch one of the
itches and find it surprisingly "pimply".

What were you trying to do with the CS/DMSO?  Kill germs? Clean spots? Heal

Also experienced prickly skin.

I take Far Infrared saunas, too, and coconut oil.

Hope the monster under your tongue disappeared.


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