Hi Ransley, 
 Last week as I was buying  supplements a naturopath customer was advising some 
women on their  glucosomine purchase.  We all got started in a conversation and 
I  commented that I believed 90% of these mysterious illnesses are are  result 
of parasite infestation.  Those unnaturally large,   distended  guts walking 
about are  Parasite heavens. 
  Even RA is  linked now to parasites and if you read the data it  really makes 
sense....especially when considering that almost every  known supplemental and 
RX is often used to no avail.     The doc whole heartily agreed with me and 
acknowledged that most people  find it a very unpleasant thought so its not 
discussed.  Economics  are a major consideration too,  even the Alt med people 
are making  a fortune on supplements. 
 The reality is that humans eat  animals and plants as part of the food chain.  
Smaller organisms  (parasites) eat us.  We in turn are merely part of the their 
food  chain. Its actually quite logical,  natural and probably  unavoidable. 
 I think people can mitigate the damage and  disease with  vigilance and 
awareness.  Biologists who study  Eco systems see this as a major concern of 
the future.  All out  war via survival the fittest. They are realizing that as 
the Eco  systems and wildlife are destroyed parasite infestation of humans   
will be a larger  plague of mankind.  Big Pharm stands to  make larger fortunes 
by not acknowledging the problem. . 
  Not wanting to give parasites the advantage I've always taken great  care 
with food products, preparation, and cleanliness.   These  days it's a rare 
occasion that I dine out.   Still,   thinking about these post has given me 
reason to believe there is room  for improvement via more frequent internal 
clean sings  and  pro-biotic supplements. 
  Happy, Healthy New year to All.....may it be free of parasites.  

ransley <rans...@atmc.net> wrote:          Carol Ann    wrote:  
Ransley,     Your  posts and other like it have made me so much  more conscious 
of  food and the importance of not underestimating or overlooking  cleanliness. 
  Carol  Ann- you're almost right on target, but here's the further conclusions 
 I've come to: absolute cleanliness is beyond us and we must practice  
prevention in other ways. 

  Carol Ann
  The Pessimist complains about the Wind;  
  The Optimist expects it to change;  
  The Realist adjusts the Sails.   - The world needs more sailors.  

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