I know what your saying....alot of my family listen to me because they seen me 
go thru an awful illness and waste away to nothing and it wasn't until I got 
under the care of an alternative medicine doc that my life turned a 180 and 
have been real healthy since and keep getting better all the time thru asking 
questions and reading and learning.....now you want to see some people who 
would really laugh at you and that is paramedic's. Since they save lives, for 
the moment, they are not about to even think about letting you be anywhere near 
their mental equal.....debbie

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: da...@alchemysa.com.au 
Most of my friends and relatives accept without question that vitamins and 
minerals (including metals like iron) are safe to consume in moderate doses and 
are essential for good health. Yet when I suggest to some of them that silver 
is a safe mineral that kills germs I'm usually greeted with a look of amusement 
that visibly turns to horror as it dawns on them that I'm serious. You can just 
about see the cogs turning over. (My God... he's a fruitcake and I never 
realised it! How many other signs have I missed? Where's the exit?)

If they can't escape, or say what they really think because we are in mixed 
company, they try to debate or reason with me using the intuitive arguments of 
the skeptic. The link below lists the usual 'tricks' of the skeptic, and its 
pretty entertaining.


I recommend you go to the site and read the whole thing because it's not too 
long and I didn't write it. But here's my poorly condensed version with some, 
occasionally silly, comment added.



1) RAISING THE BAR , Or IMPOSSIBLE PERFECTION: This trick consists of demanding 
a new, higher and more difficult standard of evidence. (A mountain of 
testimonials and lab tests will never be enough). 
2.) SOCK 'EM WITH OCCAM: Occam's Razor, a principle of knowledge theory states 
that the simplest explanation which fits all the facts is to be preferred. (If 
you haven't had a cold in 4 years its just because you've been lucky).
3.) EXTRAORDINARY CLAIMS: Extraordinary claims, say the skeptic, require 
extraordinary evidence. (Why is the claim that silver kills germs so 
4.) STUPID, CRAZY LIARS: Researchers who report anything which displeases the 
skeptic will be accused of incompetence, mental illness or dishonesty, or some 
combination of the three. (You've fallen for a scam.)
5.) THE SANTA CLAUS GAMBIT: (Goes like this. "Oh so you probably believe in 
Santa Clause and the Easter Bunny too". Foul language is the only reasonable 
answer to that one).
6.) SHIFTING THE BURDEN OF EVIDENCE: The skeptic insists that he doesn't have 
to provide evidence to support his side of the argument. ("You're crazy if you 
believe that, but my evidence is indisputable... its common knowledge... it 
comes from ...er watching TV.")
7.) YOU CAN'T PROVE A NEGATIVE: The skeptic may insist that he is relieved of 
the burden of evidence and argument because "you can't prove a negative." (Well 
actually theres a ton of evidence proving a lot of approved drugs are much less 
effective and far more dangerous dangerous than silver but YOU won't read it. ) 
8.) THE BIG LIE: (The skeptic says he doesn't take silver but he's perfectly 
9.) DOUBT CASTING: This trick consists of dwelling on minor or trivial flaws in 
the evidence. (But interestingly this trick doesn't carry any weight when you 
try it in reverse, e.g... The Rosemary Jacobs case is over 50 years old and she 
never drank colloidal silver in here life but try convincing them of that.) 
10.) THE SNEER: (A good time to end the discussion and get another beer)
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