Does it have to be the windshield why not the bumper or the grill?...deb

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "M. G. Devour" <> 

> Dear Ken (Ode), 
> Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
> pollen sensitivity by "licking the windshield." I'm entering ragweed 
> season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
> the first frost. I'm going to try your technique. 
> Questions: 
> How much of the windshield do you lick? Just one good swipe, or do you 
> have to use the wipers afterward to be able to see again? 
> How long is enough time to collect a good sample, assuming I clean the 
> glass first to get rid of road grunge, bird droppings, and the like? 
> Overnight? An hour? 
> How long before you saw the effect you wanted? 
> Even if I can't entirely keep a straight face, I'm serious. It'd be 
> particularly interesting to try this right now since my dear bride is 
> convinced that it won't work. She's been taking allergy shots... for 
> months. 
> Thanks! 
> Mike D. 
> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian] 
> [ ] 
> [Speaking only for myself... ] 
> -- 
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