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The patient, a woman thirty-five years of age, was markedly
sensitive to ragweed pollen, and was given pre-seasonal treatment
with pollen antigen (Lederle). When 200 pollen units were given, the
patient developed hives all over her body, swelling of the eyes and
tongue and marked wheezing. This reaction was relieved in about
fifteen minutes by epinephrine. Attempts to increase this amount
slightly brought forth increasingly severe reactions.

The following week the 410 pollen units of ragweed were given along
with ½ c.c. of sodium ascorbate, (100 mg. in 2 c.c.) in the same
syringe. No reaction occurred. Thereafter, at two-day intervals,
increasing doses of ragweed pollen were given with ½ c.c. of sodium
ascorbate. In addition, 100 mg. of ascorbic acid were given three
times a day by mouth.

The patient volunteered that she had not had citrus fruits for many
years because of sensitivity to orange and grapefruit. Finally, a
dose of 1500 units of ragweed pollen antigen combined with ½ c.c. of
sodium ascorbate was given without incident.

Ascorbic acid was thus able to reduce the exquisite sensitivity to
ragweed pollen antigen in this patient. It was thought desirable to
find out whether this phenomenon was a local effect of ascorbic acid
on the pollen antigen. On a ragweed-sensitive patient, the following
skin tests were carried out by intradermal injection:

Ragweed .02 c.c.; ragweed .02 c.c. plus .05 c.c. of sodium ascorbate
(described above); histamine hydrochloride 1/1000 solution, .02
c.c.; histamine hydrochloride (1/1000 solution) .02 c.c. plus .05
c.c. of sodium ascorbate. There was no observable difference between
ragweed and ragweed with sodium ascorbate or between histamine and
histamine with sodium ascorbate. Thus, whatever detoxification
occurs is not local in nature.

The liver is the site of detoxification for most noxious substances
in the body. Usually they are rendered harmless by conjugation in
the liver cells. It is certainly by design that the liver, next to
the adrenal glands, contains the most ascorbic acid of any organ in
the body. The ascorbic acid is undoubtedly one of the substances
concerned with detoxification.

-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour [mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com] 
Sent: September 4, 2006 11:44 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Ken, allergies?

Dear Ken (Ode),

Several times in the past you've mentioned reducing or eliminating your 
pollen sensitivity by "licking the windshield." I'm entering ragweed 
season here which usually makes me miserable from late august through 
the first frost. I'm going to try your technique.


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