It is pretty simple to neutralize for an allergy....
First muscle test to see if there is an allergy. Have the person with the allergy hold the offensive allergen (rag weed, or whatever the allergen is) in his right hand. Some one else will take the tips of two fingers and gently tap from the base of the skull straight dow the spinal cord to the waist. Do this taappg abut 6-8 times. (remember from the base of skll down, not up and down--just down) Now take the same two finger tips and gently sweep down the spine again from the base of the skull to the waist. Now muscle test again. Hopefull thepatient will now muscle test stron this time. If it is still weak do the procedure again. Usually doing tis one or two times will do the trick, however I recently had a friend that was so allergic to ragweed that she just slept thru the ragweed season and didn't not do much of anything else. I did this procedure four times with no luck and did it again the next day three times before she finally tested strong. I would recommend staying away from the offending item for 24 hours if possible. Nancy

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