Today I saw my opthalmologist because of the new large floater.  The retina is 
ok, but he wants to recheck in 3 weeks.  I told him I've been reading about 
things to help get rid of floaters and also a way to lessen cataracts.  He said 
there is nothing that really helps either one.  He said he'll see someone with 
new floaters, then again in three weeks.  The patient says they've gotten 
better, but when he looks, they're exactly the same.  The brain adjusts and 
overlooks them.  

Of course, no one knows everything and if something does no harm, it's worth a 

BTW, I'm sure my vet had never heard of colloidal silver.  I asked him if he 
knew about it and he looked blank and uninterested, so I just said it kills 
germs and I spray my dog's snout with it after she's been nosing around in all 
the poop at public places.  He said that's good, but didn't care to know more.  
I think sometimes highly educated people think there is nothing to be learned 
from their average client.


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