This sounds so easy when put like that!  Unfortunately, smoking is an
addiction and one of the hardest to beat, as it is involved with (sometimes)
lifetime habits which makes it so hard.  I know, because I am one of those
who managed it.  I think preparations and the like help to support people,
and this can be crucial in the winning, and this is of vital importance I
feel.  Dee 
-------Original Message-------
From: Pat Lawrie
Date: 28/12/2006 02:43:07
Subject: RE: CS>Re: C.S. Nicotene Detox
Words from a practical guy: Each person needs to find his/her own approach.

"Peter M. Stellas" <> wrote:
Hello folks,

On the matter of detoxing from nicotine, please allow me a thought here.
Instead of constantly seeking for a way to "medicate" for this or that,
would it not be better to just do the following:

1. quit smoking
2. start exercising so that the lungs can expel the toxins naturally.
3. use a simple, general detox fast, such as the Master Cleanse.
4. start eating healthy foods

All too often we seem to look for concoctions and unnatural procedures as a
remedy for other unnatural concoctions and procedures that we want to
correct from.

