LOL....If'n I go for a pizza, I'm going for the whole sugar and salt combo 
monty.....a cold (non diet) coke over ice. 

Clayton Family <> wrote: Hey, watch it! I need to get more 
diet soda and pizza!

On Apr 9, 2007, at 7:10 PM, Carol Ann wrote:

> In your situation as you describe it, neither would I.  However, there 
> are folks who would consider carb blockers as a means to overindulge 
> in foods they would other wise avoid or eat much less of as part of 
> their regular, low weight diets.
> Kinda like folks who order a pizza with the works or a whopper and 
> fries and wash it down with a  diet soda.
> Marshall Dudley  wrote:

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