Do as you like, just sharing my experience.  Take the carb blocker and see what 
happens to you.

----- Original Message ----
From: Marshall Dudley <>
Sent: Monday, April 9, 2007 12:58:25 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Carb Blockers

Carol Ann wrote:
> hmmm.  I am not sure sure I agree totally.  After reading this thread 
> I went and bought a bottle while I was at the store for sumten else.  
> anyway, I am not what anyone would consider "overweight",  yet, I 
> could stand to lose 10-14 lbs easily as I know I would feel better.  
> What has happened is that my body likes the weight its at.....dosent 
> seem to want to budge regardless of what I do, it seems to have 
> settled at 145lbs. (5' 7").  A few of these extra lbs are in the wrong 
> place.    I think the use of such a product to accomplish a short term 
> goal, wherein the body can get a jumpstart and then readjust to a 
> different weight is reasonable.  To use it to abuse food however is 
> another matter and I would concur with you Doris. 

I am not sure I would call it abusing food.  We eat out a lot, and 
unfortunately restaurant food is much higher in carbs than we would 
like. To get sufficient proteins, vitamins, minerals and so forth, 
requires eating more starches than needed or desired.  This allows one 
to "kill" much of the carbs, while still getting the nutrition from the 
other parts of the meal.


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