Thanks for that Rowena, I don't really know although I don't seem to have
any sort of swellings.  I get a sort of tenderness under the arms when
touched sometimes but have been told this is normal.  I must say since I've
been taking the iodoral I have had much more energy, but apart from this
blasted weight problem I seem to have quite good health.  I do take CS most
days as well so rarely get ill.  I will certainly check this site though.
-------Original Message-------
From: Rowena
Date: 09/04/2007 15:47:14
Subject: Re: CS>Carb Blockers and Lymph
Dee, is it possible that lymphodema is involved here, or even lipodema or a
mixture of the two?
Things block the flow of lymph, and so the fluid just sits in the tissues.
I've been told that problems in the reproductive organs can cause
lymphodoema in the lower half of the body, e.g. fibroids - they block the
flow of lymph which bathes the tissues.  The fluid can't flow back to the
blood stream, and just sits there.
With lipodoema, if I have it right, the lipids stuck in the tissues then go
on to block the lymph, so you get a double whammy.
Also with lipodoema, the limbs etc can be larger than normal, but the feet
are normal sized.  With lymphodoema, the feet swell also.
Typically, people assume that overeating is the cause.
There is an interesting site - rather encouraging, too - on
Poppy Lane Skin Care & Lymphoedema Clinic  139 Hollywood Drive Lansvale NSW
2166 Australia (02) 9723 5402