--- Michael Anissimov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 6/7/07, Eugen Leitl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > You've been sounding like a broken record for a
> while. It's because
> > speed kills. What or who is doing the killing is
> not important.
> Who needs politeness or respect for your fellow man
> when we can make
> ourselves feel great by putting others down?
> > Dude, I-current wouldn't trust me a picometer if I
> was much, much
> > smarter. Neither should you.
> People are suspicious of outsiders, including
> superintelligence.  This
> is nothing new.  So superintelligence will have to
> prove itself out in
> the real world.

This is certainly true if the AI is ever going to win
our trust, but forgive me if I feel that winning our
trust is a relatively unimportant matter compared to
saving our lives. We'll get over it in a few hundred

> > Or we ourselves will evaporate, together with a
> few cm of Earth regolith.
> > Sorry, I'd rather not take the chances.
> If AI is likely to come first, as I believe, then
> it's in our best
> interests to make it as friendly as possible.  Not
> dismiss the problem
> because we're suspicious of all AI.

It's the "Precautionary Principle" all over again-
we're not sure this is totally safe, so we're going to
avoid it entirely. This is not only more dangerous
than confronting the challenge intelligently, it
effectively prohibits all technological development- I
mean, fire still isn't completely safe, right?

> > I'm sorry, I'm not religious. Try the next door
> down the hall.
> All I said was that superintelligence could be wiser
> and more
> charismatic than human beings.  If you disagree, you
> must believe that
> humans are the wisest and most charismatic possible
> beings in the
> universe.  Who's the religious one here?  Who's
> being the Copernicus
> and who's being the Church?

This "who's playing which role in the metaphor" thing
is an easy way to lose sight of what's actually going
on. None of us are tied to behave in the same ways
that Copernicus and the Church did.

> The universe does not
> revolve around
> humans.  We do not have the monopoly on morality or
> cleverness.  This
> is Transhumanism 101.

It's possible that a lot of people on the list haven't
taken Transhumanism 101, or have come out of it with a
bundleful of misconceptions. It's the Internet, after
all, not a college course with a predesigned

> > Why the animal chauvinism, sheep? You've never met
> an intelligent human,
> > so why are you judging them? Oh, wait...
> This is bullying rhetoric, and it's uncalled for. 
> And if calling
> someone on being a bully makes me a wuss, so be it.
> -- 
> Michael Anissimov
> Lifeboat Foundation      http://lifeboat.com
> http://acceleratingfuture.com/michael/blog
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