On 6/12/07, Mike Tintner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
But that might be an overly bleak interpretation. Another way to look at the
rapid uptake of computers in the BRICs is an example of the astonishing
possibilities for catch-up that technology offers the developing world.
Russia is a special case, but Brazil, India and China have spent most of the
last century or two in a state of development hopelessly far behind the
industrialized masters of the universe. Today, they are racing forward, and
it seems likely that the more citizens they have sitting in front of LCD
monitors, the more quickly they will bridge what gaps remain.

A minor correction of sorts: as a Brazilian, I would say that "quaint"
CRT monitors are still the norm here. :) As you may imagine, low-end
equipment has an edge in a market largely composed by poorer folks.
However, it is true that LCD adoption has been growing at a
breathtaking speed even here, and maybe in a couple of years or so
CRTs will be history in this country too.

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