Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 12, 2007 at 11:20:13PM -0400, Alan Grimes wrote:
>>> I'm mostly interested in online harware which can be easily 0wn3d
>>> for bootstrap purposes.
>> d00d, if you (or I) knew how to program, your hardware needs would be
>> embarasingly pathetic. =P

> My programming skills are a bit rusty, but I come by. But you should
> go out more, and see which pathetic performance you get from a so-called
> supercomputer if you want to crunch an MD trajectory of few 100 ns of a 
> few million atoms, and mostly water at that. Nevermind running a spiking 
> neuronal model of a few billion neurons, or so. 

Only someone smoking pattern identity theory would even consider
contemplating that as a path towards singularity.

The type of system you suggest would be so vastly outclassed by a direct
implementation of intelligence that it would be considered absurdly
impractical for anything other than computational neuroscience.

What you suggest is like proposing to implement a computer with a
capacity and architecture similar to today's comodity desktop with
vacuum tubes. -- such a machine would be the size of a small city and
consume ten times as much power.

or perhaps even:


When I'm much less tired, I'll need to get around to explaining exactly
why, if done at all, intelligence is a supremely tractable problem. =)

Opera: Sing it loud! :o(  )>-<

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