On Wed, Jun 27, 2007 at 12:52:18PM -0500, Papiewski, John wrote:

> What I meant was, the only method a sane, informed, non-suicidal person
> would want to sign up for of their own free will.

I like to think that most cryonicists are sane, informed, and non-suicidal
when they sign their contracts. (Especially, about the sane and informed
> Of course there are several physical methods that might upload your
> personality, indistinguishable from you, but would kill YOU.  So there's

How is that different from the control; as in: you die, either from
old age, disease, or accident. We're not talking hypotheticals here
when we're discussing whole-body/brain/environment emulation. 

Right now your only entry ticket to play that game is a successful
suspension. You don't get that, you're dumping your information into
the big entropy sink into the sky, and submit your atoms to be
recycled by the biosphere. Whee.

> no benefit to you, though nobody else would notice if they didn't know
> any different.

Let me guess, you don't subscribe to the pattern identity view?
> You could also do a Hans Moravec type upload where your mind is
> gradually uploaded to some sort of box, then your body's disconnected
> and you watch it convulse and die.  Bleagh!!  Why put yourself thru
> trauma if it's not necessary?  

Your threshold for trauma seems really low. I can stand serious amount
of trauma (but why on earth, if it's completely optional?) if this buys 
me the entry ticket to move on to bigger and better things.
> There may be other ways to do a benign upload, preserving the
> individual, but I don't know of any offhand.

Parse error. Doesn't compute.
> And of course our bodies do this naturally anyway... we gradually slough
> off cells in favor of replacement cells all the time... just not all at

Some parts of your CNS have a turnaround time of about 24 hours.

> the same time.

I think you're having some severe consistency issues in your argumentation
there. I can't tell whether this is identity being a boolean, or substratism
(a belief that one specific medium is magickal and sacred).

Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org";>leitl</a> http://leitl.org
ICBM: 48.07100, 11.36820 http://www.ativel.com http://postbiota.org
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