On Jan 27, 2008, at 6:18 AM, Mike Tintner wrote:

Samantha: MT: You've been fooled by the puppet. It doesn't work without the
puppeteer. Samantha:What's that, elan vitale, a "soul", a "consciousness" that is
independent of the puppet?

It's significant that you make quite the wrong assumption. You too are fooled. The puppeteer is the human operator/programmer. V. simple and obvious. Computers do not actually EXIST. All that exists here are lumps of metal - until human beings come along - and give them life and meaning. Without humans they lie there, dead.

Not simple and obvious which is why we are having this conversation. You as conscious self certainly do not operate most of the processes that allow you as instantiated biological being to exist. You as conscious self do not even operate those processes that you perceive as a "self". So who is fooled? It is a bit deeper question, no? So from whence did human beings come? Was it not from this dead matter?

All your thinking, I suggest, is predicated on an obvious falsehood - that computers exist in their own right and are not just tools/ extensions of human beings. And it is still a very large set of unsolved problems as to what will be required to make a robot or computer exist in its own right.

I am not sure what you mean by "in their own right"? Computers are specialized tools designed by us. So? Do you "exist in your own right"? Do you mean by that autonomous or semi-autonomous decision making in an experiential domain? If not, what do you mean?

If you are serious either as scientist or technologist, you have to start from the fact of those unsolved problems, and not just wishfully assume that they have all been magically answered. You can be sure that the answers, whatever they are, will transform your current thinking.

Which unsolved problems are you speaking about? Can you be a bit clearer?

Re why only a moving body can think, it is still a large philosophical and scientific problem, and I'm just in the middle of working it out ! (But I'm increasingly confident it is soluble and soon).

The idea that only a moving body can think is just a hypothesis and one that does not seem likely except with a very broad meaning given to "moving".

The basic biological evidence for that assertion though is obvious - the only self-sufficient "in-their-own-right" entities that can actually think are indeed moving organisms/ animals.

You need to define "in their own right" and in what critical sense we are self-sufficient. There is too much slop here to gain much purchase in the discussion.

And the classic fact is that when a sea squirt stops moving, it immediately devours its own brain.

Obviously irrelevant.

The other basic fact here is again obvious if you look at the whole and not just a part. Above it wasa case of don't just look at the computer look at everything that happens with and around it, like the human operator. Here it's a sub-case of that - don't just look at the thoughts/ideas - the print, say on the screen, or the writing on the page - look at how they are produced. And - hey - they don't happen without movement - someone typing/writing them.

Uh, I hope the "thought and ideas" rather preceded the actual typing. :-) As to how they are actually produced that is fairly complex and largely much more unconscious and mechanical than you seem to be crediting.

As Daniel Wolpert says:

"Movement is the only way we have of interacting with the world, whether foraging for food or attracting a waiter's attention. Indeed, all communication, including speech, sign language, gestures and writing, is mediated via the motor system. Taking this viewpoint, the purpose of the human brain is to use sensory signals to determine future actions. The goal of our lab is to understand the computational principles underlying human sensorimotor control"

Sounds a bit like behaviorism.


(But that still doesn't solve the problem I referred to which is to explain why thinking generally is predicated in its very content on moving bodies - and not just produced by moving bodies).

Says you.

- samantha

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